Just Reckless, FKB Tel-U Won Third Place on PR Case

Pr case

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Another achievement is accomplished. This time achieved by three students from Communication Studies Program of Communication and Business Telkom University (FKB Tel-U). They won 3rd Place in Case Competition of Public Relations, Communication’s Day, Ahmad Dahlan University in Yogyakarta which was held on Saturday (30/5) then.

Public Relations Case was one of the competitions held in the Anniversary of Communication Sciences Ahmad Dahlan University in Yogyakarta. The team from Tel-U consists of Budi Setiawan, Surya Putri Dinda, and Nadya Rahmani Shiddqi.

According to Budi, the contest themed “Crisis Management” they have not got an idea of the material to be contested. “So our team only learned the case from internet and given material learned in class ever before,” he said.

At the time of competition, said Budi, they were given only 60 minutes to solve a case of airlines. When the team handed over the problem solution, the jury assessed and selected five teams in the final and had the opportunity to present the results that have been done. One of them was our team. “We were given ten minutes, and Thank God everything went smoothly” said Budi.

Besides Tel-U, the two other teams in the top five among others from Atma Jaya University and the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalidjaga. “Their presentation was very nice and structured as well as having the sharpness of the analysis. Perhaps influenced by their experiences during the competition up to eight semesters of this, “said Budi.

Finally, on the eve of the summit conferment, the jury decided that Tel-U team won third place. The 1st and 2nd was won by a team from the University of Atma Jaya. “This was our first contest, but capitalize goodwill and determination and support from various parties, we can take part,” Budi said as he thanked the senior in college who had guided them. (Purel / izal)

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